State management in Angular, what options are there?

State management in Angular, what options are there?

A comprehensive overview of Angular state management with examples

Managing information in our application can be challenging, especially in terms of developer experience, knowledge, and security.

Nearly all mid to large-sized applications require data management to ensure accessibility across all pages, with features for reading, adding, and editing.

Angular, being a robust framework, offers tools and libraries for streamlined state management. In this post, we will explore well-known state management solutions, customized to suit particular requirements in Angular applications.

1. Stateful Services (Subjects)

Using the power of Subjects, Stateful Services provide a simple way to manage state within Angular. By exploring this way, developers can easily manage the state of the application just using RxJS, you don't need to install any third-party libraries and easily to use but has some limitations instances others.


  providedIn: 'root',
export class StatefulService {
  private stateSubject = new Subject<string>();
  state$ = this.stateSubject.asObservable();

  updateState(newState: string) {;

export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  currentState: string;

  constructor(private statefulService: StatefulService) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.statefulService.state$.subscribe((state) => {
      this.currentState = state;

  updateState() {
    this.statefulService.updateState('New State');

2. NgRx

NgRx Global Store is a robust state management solution inspired by Redux. It centralizes state and actions, providing a predictable and scalable approach to managing application data.

We can use it globally in our application or manage every single component or module with them.

If you are using Signals in your application you can use NgRx SIgnals Store for better performance.


// Actions
export const updateMessage = createAction('[App] Update Message', props<{ message: string }>());

// Reducer
const initialState = { message: '' };
const appReducer = createReducer(
  on(updateMessage, (state, { message }) => ({ ...state, message }))

// Store
export const appStore = createFeatureSelector('app');
export const selectMessage = createSelector(appStore, (state) => state.message);

// Component
export class MyComponent {
  message$ =;

  constructor(private store: Store) {}

  updateMessage() {{ message: 'New Message' }));


NGXS is a state management library that simplifies complex state management scenarios. It combines the simplicity of Redux with Angular's reactive approach, providing a convenient solution for developers.

// State
export interface AppStateModel {
  message: string;

  name: 'app',
  defaults: { message: '' },
export class AppState {
  static getMessage(state: AppStateModel) {
    return state.message;

  updateMessage({ patchState }: StateContext<AppStateModel>, { message }: UpdateMessage) {
    patchState({ message });

// Action
export class UpdateMessage {
  static readonly type = '[App] Update Message';
  constructor(public message: string) {}

// Component
export class MyComponent {
  message$ =;

  constructor(private store: Store) {}

  updateMessage() { UpdateMessage('New Message'));

This example uses NGXS to define a simple state with a message. It also includes an action to update the message and a selector to access the message from the component. Remember to install and configure NGXS in your application before using this code.

There are more options like:
- State adapt
- RxAngular
- MiniRx
- Ngx Signal State
- Akita
- Elf
- Custom state management


Choosing the appropriate state management option for your Angular app relies on the needs of your project. Whether you prefer the easy Stateful Services or the adaptable NgRx, grasping these tools helps Angular developers create strong and sustainable applications.

This article gives a quick introduction to state management options in the Angular ecosystem. Try out these tools, analyze their benefits, and select the one that fits your project's requirements best.

VSCode snippets for NgRx

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