How to build a static blog in Angular with Scully

How to build a static blog in Angular with Scully

Building a static blog in Angular with Scully: A step-by-step tutorial

Before I started my Hashnode blog, I tried to build my own blog. While searching for the best option, I experimented with Scully. Why did I choose Hashnode instead of Scully? That answer will be in another post. For now, let's concentrate on understanding what Scully is and how to build a blog using it.

What is Scully?

Scully is a library for Angular used to build blogs with static content. It enables you to create a solid structure for generating a blog. One of its best features is generating a static HTML file for each route. This functionality significantly enhances rendering speed and SEO.

How it works?

First of all, we need an Angular application and then install the Scully library:

ng new scully-app
npm i @scullyio/scully @scullyio/ng-lib @scullyio/scully-plugin-puppeteer

We need to add the ScullyLibModule to our app.module, Scully doesn't support bootstrapping via a standalone component, Scully needs to be bootstrapped in a module, and then you can use standalone components.

There is a schematic for this:

ng add @scullyio/init

With this command, we add the ScullyLibModule and also create the scully.[PROJECT_NAME].config.ts

From Angular 14 onwards the defaultProject property has been deprecated from the angular.json. Scully needs this property, we need to configure it:

{ "defaultProject": "[PROJECT_NAME]" }

Finally, we need to add some scripts to our package.json:

"scripts": {
    "scully": "scully",
    "scully:serve": "scully serve"

How to create the content?

To create content, you can use the CLI command ng generate @scullyio/init:post --name="This is my post" or just create the file with .md

This will generate the file with 3 tags:

  • title: this is the title of the blog post

  • description: this is the description

  • published: this is a property representing whether the blog post is published or not. It takes a true or false.

Then you just have to generate the route for your post with: npx scully

You can also add other tags if needed, such as image, date, keywords and authors. This is useful if you want to add more features to your blog.

To test the blog, simply run: npx scully:serve


To summarize, we have seen a brief introduction to Scully, what it is, and how it works, we need to talk more about Scully but we have a quick introduction and the first steps to building a blog with Scully, we will talk more in depth in the next articles.

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